jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Patriarchy, the devil.

In our society are some structures and social systems and they define so many things of our life that we can not imagine it. For example, the Patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power. 

Almost all societies on the world are dominated by the patriarchy, men  predominate in roles of political leadershipmoral authoritysocial privilege and control of property; in the domain of the family, fathers or father-figures hold authority over women and children.

We can see a lot of feminist project which wanted to destroy the patriarchy and want to have equals rights with men. They fight for equal pay at work. 

They fight for opportunities, they don´t want to be like "they have to be" they want to study or work and not staying at home being mothers.


Now that we have all the same knowledge I have to say that all the patriarchy stuff was just an introduction to something else. 

Those injustices that affect women also affect men. 

The patriarchy have made a visualization about women and another of men. Now I'm going to show you some examples.

First at all, men are strong.

Men don´t cry.

Men are straight and they got married.

So, I suppose that you imagine where I'm going with this. 

The patriarchy system visualize man and it discriminates all the man that aren't like them.

Gay man have to fight against it all the time. 

Recently I heard a gay activist saying that all the equal marriage stuff its another way that has the patriarchy to take gay couples into it. 

Getting married like straight couples is an hetero normative idea, he said that gay men should not get married util they want to continue with those kind of straight oppression against them.

That's all for today. I just want to make you think about it and you can comment it if you are not agree whit me.

xoxo, Pepe

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