viernes, 31 de julio de 2015


Hi there, I’m now at the end of semester and it isn´t good.

I’m really messed up, I´ve a lot things to do and there´s no time to go to my house in Viña del Mar, or meet my friends, or my "boyfriend" or go to parties. 

Those things are forbidden. We are at the end of semester and we have to study. A lot. Really a lot.

Let’s see. My semester wasn´t so bad. When it started I was really happy to began studying Antropologhy at the Universidad de Chile. I was excited about living in Santiago and I wanted to make new frends.

Now, looking back I think I had achieved my goals. I have some really good frends. They care about me and I care about them.

I enjoyed some subjects like Introduction to Anthropology or Latin America Social History, because I had to read a lot and those readings where so interesting. Recently I read a paper from and materialist anthropologist called Marvin Harris and he had been studying the relation between Indian sacred cow and the starvation problem. It was called "mother cow" and was interesting.

I don´t know if I got some achievements but I'm quite sure that I passed all my subjects. Including Biology, that creepy subject with that also creepy teacher.

I just want to finish this semester, I want to be at my home with my pets. I have two dogs, they are dachshunds and so lovely. I think I just want to be on holidays and do nothing.

That’s all for today … see you next week,

xoxo Pepe.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Patriarchy, the devil.

In our society are some structures and social systems and they define so many things of our life that we can not imagine it. For example, the Patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power. 

Almost all societies on the world are dominated by the patriarchy, men  predominate in roles of political leadershipmoral authoritysocial privilege and control of property; in the domain of the family, fathers or father-figures hold authority over women and children.

We can see a lot of feminist project which wanted to destroy the patriarchy and want to have equals rights with men. They fight for equal pay at work. 

They fight for opportunities, they don´t want to be like "they have to be" they want to study or work and not staying at home being mothers.


Now that we have all the same knowledge I have to say that all the patriarchy stuff was just an introduction to something else. 

Those injustices that affect women also affect men. 

The patriarchy have made a visualization about women and another of men. Now I'm going to show you some examples.

First at all, men are strong.

Men don´t cry.

Men are straight and they got married.

So, I suppose that you imagine where I'm going with this. 

The patriarchy system visualize man and it discriminates all the man that aren't like them.

Gay man have to fight against it all the time. 

Recently I heard a gay activist saying that all the equal marriage stuff its another way that has the patriarchy to take gay couples into it. 

Getting married like straight couples is an hetero normative idea, he said that gay men should not get married util they want to continue with those kind of straight oppression against them.

That's all for today. I just want to make you think about it and you can comment it if you are not agree whit me.

xoxo, Pepe

I'm just happy.

I'm happy.

I met a new guy and something says to me that's he's the one. I'ts funny but I feel that.

I've just understand that there aren't perfect boys because that thought isn't real. We're all imperfect in some part of our life and we have to understand that if we want to be happy.

I found my Mr. Right recently and I want to love him, and being loved by him.

That's all. 

xoxo, Pepe.

viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

Im back.


Ok, I have to apologies because I haven´t been blogging for two months.

At my University we started a mobilization cause we have a lot of problems. For example in the Arts School there haven´t enough rooms, they have also an damage elevator that causes a lots of accidents. They have problems with not having enough bathrooms for all the students. At the Social Sciences School we haven´t enough rooms and a lot of students don´t have money to buy food (lunch) and they should receive a scholarship for it but the School have no money for it. There are problems in the Government School to, they have rats and power cut.

So we decided to stop our classes and say "WE ARE TOGETHER, AND WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT TO RECEIVE GOOD EDUCATION" or something like that.

After a protest we entered to the Central building from the Universidad de Chile and we accupied it.

That was on 15th May. And after that we realized that other Schools were having the same problems or bigger.

That week in Valparaíso (a city 120 Km from Santiago) two students Ezequiel Borbarán and Diego Guzmán were killed in a protest, the man who killed them was "defending" his property, but Ezequiel and Diego were just making some graffiti. It was very sad, all students were shocked. We decide to fight for them. They are heroes. They die for our rights, they die fight for our education.

It was terrible but the violence against students didn´t stop.

It was in Valparaíso to, at 21st May. Michele Bachellet, our president was at the Congress doing her annual account. Meanwhile on the streets a lot of chilean students were in a protest against the government education project.
Rodrigo Avilés is a joung student, he studies literature at the Universidad Católica and he was in coma long time because the police with his water cannons car almost killed him. It is steel in an investigation but, there are some images that show how was it.

The police car has hit Rodrigo and he fell to the street and hit his head against it. He was in come for a long time. Miraculously he survive and now he can walk, speak and make jokes. For a long time he was the face of the mobilization. We demand no more violence, no more dead people. No more corrupt people making decisions, no more repression to the people.